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Harness NAIFA’s expanded reach and power

NAIFA, FSP and Life Happens have joined forces as one powerhouse organization dedicated to empowering financial professionals and consumers with world-class advocacy and education. Join this dynamic alliance with opportunities to network with solutions and service providers to share best practices, access subject matter experts, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership so we may continue to address the changing needs of the market.

NAIFA offers three Centers of Excellence, each comprising an Advisory Council made up of sponsors, members and financial professionals. Among the offerings from each Center:

  • Expanded focus and study groups with subject matter experts carefully chosen for their unique perspective and product portfolio that fits into the continuum of solutions
  • Advocacy working groups to leverage NAIFA’s experienced staff and volunteers who engage decisionmakers at every level of the legislative and regulatory arenas
  • Membership growth and networking opportunities

The Centers are:


NAIFA’s unique membership makeup and structure will bring together professionals with expertise in areas including limited and extended care, Medicare, small group health insurance and others. LHC participants will have direct access to industry leaders who will share knowledge and best practices in this increasingly changing marketplace.

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IREAP offers content, events, and direct access to experts and thought leadership in retirement, wealth, legacy, and business planning, advanced practice topics and concepts. IREAP ensures that agents and advisors have the most up-to-date information and access to leading experts for the most complex cases.

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BPC is designed for when you're ready to move from solo advisor to business entrepreneur. The BPC offers the tools and resources to build your practice with access to resources including articles, webinars, sessions and more.

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